I told Addie I'd be in to see what she was up to in 10 minutes. I wanted to download some photos onto our computer while her sisters were sleeping, then I'd be in to snuggle with her, my non-napping 4-year-old. 10 minutes later I found her sprawled on my bed sound asleep, snoring at a perfectly restful pace. Joe is currently working on the chicken coop outside in what seems to me to be an unusually cold April day, although it probably only feels unusual to me since we've had such a warm spring so far. Joe has moved on from a lot of leaning on and staring at the frame of the coop to cutting 2 x 4's and nailing pieces together. I called him in around 12:30 to eat what was originally going to be dinner, but which ended up being a great lunch for this weather. When we were visiting Joe's family in Virginia over the winter, the girls and I found a terrific Menonite market, in which we found Grandma's Pantry. It really looked like a strip mall until we walked inside, where I bought a bag of bulk "Harvest Soup" to bring home to Maine. It turns out the soup mix can be made with pretty much any kind of meat, is quick and easy to cook, and we love it. Well, Joe and I love it, but we have to bribe the girls with dessert, or threaten them with never feeding them again, until they eat a few bites. So Joe is back at it again, creating what we hope to be an appropriate dwelling for 5 Easter-Eggers and a Hubbard ISA Brown.
Looking good! REALLY excited about your blog.