Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Summer Rush

On our way home from VA, while venturing through a Dunkin Donuts drive through, we saw this license plate.  Joe stuck his whole self right out the window to get this shot just for you-- and me, of course.  So, along with making tons of pickles for both the farm stand and the restaurant, here are some other things I've been doing while not blogging.

Dutch Oven Campfire Shephard's Pie:  All veggies and beef fresh from Anderson Farms and Dayton Place.    Really, I wrapped it up, put it in the coals of our campfire, then covered it with some more coals.  20 minutes later, voila.  Straight from the earth to our bellies.  I'm psyched it turned out this good.   

Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Peach, and a variety of jams that feature a little som'n som'n from a few habaneros.  Ouch.  Yum.  Not necessarily in that order.

                                                                         Got Scales?

                                           When you have leftover fruit
                                           And do not want to freeze it
                                           Just add some sugar, spice, and crust,
                                           And everyone will seize it.

                                           I knew I got that English degree for a good reason!
                                           Now I'm off to cook up some Peach-Habanero Jam.



  1. Nice! The boy scouts do those camp fire meals...my uncle is a scout leader and that has become a big 4th of July tradition in my family!!!!

  2. Looks yummy! The only thing I have cooked under coals is baked potatos :)
    Oh by the way check this out: http://yorkcork.blogspot.com/

  3. Where to I buy your bread & butter pickles? I can't find your location. I bought them at a farm store two weeks ago, but I can't find it? You put some ordering info on the jar!!!!

    John in Scarborough
